Minchin & Kelly Explains Anti-Dissipation Interdicts ⚖️

Did you know that there is a legal tool that can prevent individuals from hiding assets while a claim is being pursued?

An anti-dissipation interdict (also known as a Mavera injunction) allows applicants to freeze assets belonging to the respondent, without the need to prove ownership. This crucial remedy is particularly useful when there’s evidence  of attempted asset concealment to thwart a legitimate claim.

This powerful remedy is pertinent when you have a valid claim against someone who might be trying to hide their wealth to avoid paying what they owe.

M&K’s Financial Recoveries Department, led by Partner Nyaradzo Mupfuti, has extensive experience in securing these interdicts to protect your interests.

Further inquiries? The M&K Financial Recoveries team is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your specific situation.